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Poppy Survival Hide and Seek APK: A Fun Strategy Game for Android with Poppy Playtime Characters

Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK - A Fun and Thrilling Game for Android

If you are looking for a fun and thrilling game for your Android device, you might want to check out Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK. This is a strategy game that is inspired by two popular games: Poppy Playtime and Among Us. In this game, you can play as either Huggy Wuggy or a crewmate, and try to survive or eliminate the other players in various maps and modes. You can also play online with your friends or strangers, and enjoy the colorful and detailed graphics of the game. In this article, we will tell you more about what Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK is, how to play it, what are its features, and how to download and install it on your device.

What is Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK?

A strategy game inspired by Poppy Playtime and Among Us

Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK is a free strategy game for Android devices that is developed by Rocket Game Studio. The game is inspired by two popular games: Poppy Playtime and Among Us. Poppy Playtime is a horror game that features a creepy toy factory and a giant blue monster called Huggy Wuggy. Among Us is a social deduction game that features a spaceship crew and impostors who try to sabotage or kill them. While the gameplay of Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK has nothing in common with either of these games, the inspiration comes from the characters and game assets, which are both quite prominently featured.

poppy survival hide and seek apk

How to play Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK?

Choose your role: Huggy Wuggy or crewmate

In Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK, you can choose to play as either Huggy Wuggy or a crewmate. If you play as Huggy Wuggy, your goal is to catch and eliminate all the crewmates before they escape. If you play as a crewmate, your goal is to run away from Huggy Wuggy and escape within the allocated time. You can also hide behind some small structures, but there is not much cover in the map.

Explore the map and collect items

The game has various maps that you can explore, such as a toy factory, a spaceship, a school, and more. Each map has different items that you can collect, such as coins, keys, weapons, tools, etc. These items can help you in different ways, such as unlocking doors, attacking or defending yourself, boosting your speed, etc. You can also find some Easter eggs that reference Poppy Playtime or Among Us.

Avoid or catch the other players

The game has two modes: single-player and multiplayer. In single-player mode, you can play against AI bots that have different difficulty levels. In multiplayer mode, you can play online with your friends or strangers, and chat with them using voice or text messages. You can also create your own room and invite other players to join. The game supports up to 10 players per room.

What are the features of Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK?

Simple and intuitive controls

The game has simple and intuitive controls that are easy to use. You can move your character using the virtual joystick on the left side of the screen, and interact with the items or other players using the buttons on the right side of the screen. You can also adjust the camera angle by swiping on the screen.

Colorful and detailed graphics

The game has colorful and detailed graphics that make the game more appealing and immersive. The game uses 3D models and textures that are inspired by Poppy Playtime and Among Us, but with a more cartoonish and cheerful style. The game also has smooth animations and sound effects that add to the atmosphere of the game.

Various maps and modes to choose from

The game has various maps and modes that you can choose from, depending on your preference and mood. The game has four maps: Toy Factory, Spaceship, School, and City. Each map has different layouts, items, and secrets that you can discover. The game also has two modes: Hide N' Seek and Survival. In Hide N' Seek mode, you can play as Huggy Wuggy or a crewmate, and try to catch or escape from the other players. In Survival mode, you can play as a crewmate only, and try to survive as long as possible while avoiding Huggy Wuggy and other dangers.

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Online multiplayer with friends or strangers

The game has an online multiplayer feature that allows you to play with your friends or strangers from around the world. You can join or create a room, and chat with other players using voice or text messages. You can also customize your character's appearance, such as the color, hat, outfit, etc. The game supports up to 10 players per room, and you can choose to play as Huggy Wuggy or a crewmate.

How to download and install Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK?

Download the APK file from a trusted source

To download and install Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK on your Android device, you need to get the APK file from a trusted source. You can search for the game on Google or any other search engine, and look for a reliable website that offers the APK file for free. You can also scan the QR code below to download the APK file directly to your device.

Enable unknown sources on your device settings

Before you can install Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK on your device, you need to enable unknown sources on your device settings. This will allow you to install apps that are not from the Google Play Store. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Go to your device settings and look for security or privacy options.

  • Find the option that says unknown sources or allow installation of apps from unknown sources.

  • Toggle the switch or check the box to enable it.

  • You may see a warning message that says installing apps from unknown sources may harm your device. Tap OK or Continue to proceed.

Install the APK file and launch the game

After you have enabled unknown sources on your device settings, you can install Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK on your device. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Locate the APK file that you have downloaded on your device storage. You can use a file manager app or your device's default file explorer to find it.

  • Tap on the APK file to start the installation process. You may see a pop-up window that asks for your permission to install the app. Tap Install or Yes to continue.

  • Wait for the installation process to finish. It may take a few seconds or minutes depending on your device performance.

  • Once the installation is done, you can launch the game by tapping Open or by finding it on your app drawer.


Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK is a fun and thrilling game for Android devices that is inspired by Poppy Playtime and Among Us. In this game, you can play as either Huggy Wuggy or a crewmate, and try to survive or eliminate the other players in various maps and modes. You can also play online with your friends or strangers, and enjoy the colorful and detailed graphics of the game. If you want to download and install Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK on your device, you can follow the steps we have provided in this article. We hope you have fun playing this game!

Frequently Asked Questions

<h Here are some frequently asked questions about Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK: Is Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK safe to download and install?

Yes, Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK is safe to download and install, as long as you get it from a trusted source. The game does not contain any viruses, malware, or spyware that can harm your device or compromise your privacy. However, you should always be careful when downloading and installing apps from unknown sources, and scan them with a reputable antivirus app before opening them.

Is Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK compatible with my device?

Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK is compatible with most Android devices that run on Android 4.4 or higher. The game has a file size of about 100 MB, so you need to have enough storage space on your device to install it. The game also requires a stable internet connection to play online multiplayer mode.

How can I update Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK?

To update Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK, you need to download and install the latest version of the APK file from the same source that you got it from. You can also check for updates within the game settings, and tap on the update button if there is one available. You should always update the game to enjoy the latest features and bug fixes.

How can I contact the developer of Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK?

If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions for the developer of Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK, you can contact them through their email address: You can also follow them on their social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, to get the latest news and updates about the game.

Can I play Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK offline?

No, you cannot play Poppy Survival: Hide N' Seek APK offline. The game requires an internet connection to play online multiplayer mode, which is the main feature of the game. You can play single-player mode against AI bots, but you still need to be connected to the internet to access the game servers. 44f88ac181

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